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Cybersecurity is the practice of defending against networks, electronic systems, servers, and computers from malicious attacks. Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in traffic.

Smart Communications

Smart communication is a gateway to the organization's knowledge. Its strategic management generates human value.


Photonics is the science and technology of the generation, control and detection of photons and their interactions with matter. Photons are the elementary exchange particles bound to electromagnetic force.

3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing technologies perform the construction process by adding layers of material from a 3D geometry. Mass production by 3D printing reduces the time to market of products, eliminates the need to invest in manufacturing tools, facilitates the creation of functional designs regardless of their geometry, allows the design of complex components and facilitates constant design review and updating.

Electrical and electronic equipment

Electronics is the branch of physics and engineering specialization, which studies and uses electronic devices that work by controlling the flow of electrons and other electrically charged particles in devices. The pure study of these devices is considered a branch of physics, while the design and implementation of electronic circuits to solve practical problems is called electronic engineering.


Technique used in the design of the construction of robots and devices that perform operations and work, usually in industrial facilities and as a substitute for human labor.


A sensor is a device capable of measuring physical or chemical quantities and transforming them into electrical variables. The great feature of the sensors is that they are sensitive to certain stimuli which, when detected and eventually evaluated, are transmitted as a signal to another device or system that uses them as information.

Machine Learning and Deep learning

Machine learning / deep learning is the practice of using algorithms to collect data, analyze it, and learn from it to make a prediction. Programmers need to refine the algorithms that specify a set of variables to be as accurate as possible in a particular task.

Intelligent Data Science

Intelligent Data Science is a scientific discipline focused on analyzing large data sources to extract information, understand reality, and discover patterns with which to make decisions. It's about optimizing your decision making.

Recommender and support decision Systems

Els sistemes de recomanació són sistemes intel·ligents que proporcionen als usuaris un seguit de suggeriments personalitzats (recomanacions) sobre un determinat tipus d'elements (ítems) que poden interessar a l'usuari basant-se en les preferències que ha expressat de forma implícita o explícita. Així doncs, dona suport a l'usuari a l'hora de prendre decisions mentre interactua amb una massa important d'informació, emprant diversos mètodes per fer aquesta tria automàtica. De manera que permeten que a l'usuari li arribi allò que li interessa de manera més ràpida i eficaç.

Cognitive systems and robotics

Cognitive robotics is the branch of robotics that deals with providing intelligent behavior to the robot by providing it with a processing architecture that allows it to learn and reason about how to behave in the face of complex goals.

Graph Signal Processing and Graph Neural Networks

Graph signal processing aims to develop tools for processing data defined in irregular graphic domains. Graphs offer the ability to model this information and create complex interactions between. Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are a type of deep learning method designed to make inference from the information described by graphs.

5G and 6G

This is the new generation of mobile networks and telecommunications. Beyond speed improvement, 5G-6G consists of a massive ecosystem of IoT (internet of things) where networks can meet the communication needs of a billion connected devices, with the right trade-offs between speed, latency and cost.

Location systems

A satellite tracking system is used to locate or position a given receiver as accurately as possible.

Quantum Communications

Quantum communication is an area of study in physics and engineering that involves the analysis, processing, and transmission of information using the principles and effects of quantum mechanics. It is projected as a new technological breakthrough due to its advantages in the area of computer security and processing speed.

Cryptographic solutions

Cryptography is the practice and study of secure communication techniques in the presence of third parties. It is about building and analyzing protocols that ensure information security through data confidentiality, data integrity, authentication, and non-rejection.

Numerical simulation

Numerical simulation integrates mathematical tools to model, simulate, or predict the behavior of engineering, applied, and applied science devices, products, and processes.


Computing is the area of science that studies the management of methods, techniques, and processes in order to store, process, and transmit information and data in digital format.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is a type of computing that takes place in or near the physical location of the data source user. This allows users to get faster and more reliable services, and for businesses to take advantage of the flexibility of hybrid cloud computing.


The environment is the total sum of the physical things on Earth that affects and conditions all its inhabitants.

Recycling and waste recovery

The recovery of industrial waste is the set of operations that aim to reuse a waste in whole or in part, following the principles of the circular economy. Recycling or reuse, for example, is a type of recovery.

Energy use and savings

Energy saving, also known as energy efficiency, is a key concept for sustainable development. On a planet where natural resources - especially energy - are wasted, the energy savings plan appears to be a need to save available resources, conserve non-renewable energy sources and reduce the impact of climate change on the environment.

Circular economy

The circular economy is a strategy that aims to reduce both the entry of materials and the production of virgin waste, closing the cycles or economic and ecological flows of resources. The underlying idea is that the current linear flow of materials (resources-product-waste) needs to be transformed into a circular flow (resource-product-recycled resources).

Water treatment

Water treatment consists of a series of physical, chemical and biological processes aimed at removing contaminants from effluent water for human use. The aim of the treatment is to produce clean or reusable water in the environment and a solid residue or sludge (also called biosolid or sludge) suitable for disposal or reuse.

Air, water and land pollution

Air pollution is the pollution of air, water or land that refers to the presence of certain substances in concentrations higher than the natural ones that involve risk, damage or serious nuisance to people and property of any kind.

Marine sciences and technologies

Comprehensive study of the marine environment as a whole based on the tools and technologies of the 21st century. There are 4 major areas of knowledge about the marine and coastal environment: oceanography, marine technologies and biotechnologies, the conservation and sustainable management of marine resources, and the effects of climate change.

Cartography, seismic and hydrological risk

Cartography is the analysis of a specific geographical area. The risk of each area is studied in terms of floods or seismic risk. Seismic risk is the result of a combination of the danger posed by an earthquake, the vulnerability of vulnerable systems or elements (people, the environment and infrastructure and property in general) and the exposure of these vulnerable elements to the specific danger.

Climate change

Climate change is the change caused by human activity, which alters the composition of the world's atmosphere and adds to the natural variability of the climate observed during comparable periods; causing flooding of coastal terrain, more intense storms, extinction of countless plant and animal species, crop failures in vulnerable areas, and increased droughts, among other effects.

Solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic)

Solar thermal energy is the use of solar radiation to heat fluids for different uses. Photovoltaic solar energy is a methodology for obtaining electricity from photoelectric cells. Solar panels can be installed both on the earth's surface and integrated into the walls or ceilings of existing buildings or moving vehicles.

Hydraulic - hydroelectric energy

Hydrological energy or hydraulic energy is a renewable energy source that is obtained from freshwater streams. It is possible to take advantage of the mechanical energy of the movement of water on horizontal currents, or waterfalls. The movement of water moves the blades of a mill wheel or a turbine. This mechanical energy can be transmitted through mechanisms and be used directly, or it can also be used to produce hydroelectric energy, which is electrical energy (electricity) obtained from the mechanical energy of water.

Eolic energy

Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind, that is, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents, and which is transformed into other useful forms for human activities.

Hydrogen technologies

Hydrogen technologies are those technologies related to the economy of hydrogen and the various methods of creating, storing, and processing hydrogen. Hydrogen technologies will play an important role in preventing climate change and creating clean energy for a large number of users.


Biomass is the organic matter of plant or animal origin that can be used as an energy source, either as fuel or for other processes. Biomass used as an energy source may include plant material of agricultural origin, from crops intended specifically for this purpose or from by-products or remains of other crops, biomass of forest origin (especially firewood), and products or by-products. of animal origin, such as manure. Biomass energy is usually used for its use as thermal energy or, indirectly, for the generation of electrical energy.

Energy management (Smart grids and microgrids)

A smart grid is a grid that allows the efficient integration of the behavior and actions of all users connected to it, in such a way as to ensure a sustainable and efficient energy system, with low losses and high levels of quality. and security of supply.

Energy storage

In the transformation of heat into mechanical energy or in that of mechanical energy into electricity, or in inverse transformations, it is necessary to have a certain amount of energy which is transformed into another. Current trends in the use of renewable energy also highlight the problem of storage. By not providing energy on a regular and continuous basis, it makes it necessary to have an energy store or alternative energy to ensure the supply.

Water resources

Water resources are the available capacity of water for human use.

Mining and land resources

Mining is the process of extracting minerals of industrial interest from the subsoil. The resources of the earth are all those abiotic natural resources that are used for human benefit.

Agriculture, livestock and fishing

Agriculture is the set of knowledge and activities aimed at the exploitation of the natural environment, through the cultivation of certain plants. Livestock is the human activity consisting of the domestication and exploitation of animals for food, derived products (wool, leather, etc.), or services (draft animals, wild animals, for recreational purposes, animals for laboratories, etc.). Fishing is the set of techniques and activities to catch fish and other aquatic species, as well as the industry based on the processing and marketing of these products, caught in the seas, rivers and lakes.


Food consists of obtaining, preparing and ingesting food. Nutrition is the process by which ingested food is transformed and assimilated, that is, incorporated into the body of living things.

Natural textile fibers

A textile fiber is a fibrous material of natural origin intended for the manufacture of textile products. It consists of thin, elongated filaments that are 10 to 50 mm thick and up to 50 mm long.


Study or description of car widgets. A car is usually a four-wheeled motor vehicle intended for the transport of people, with a capacity of between two and 7 seats.


Aeronautics is the science or discipline related to the study, design and manufacture of heavy mechanical aircraft capable of taking off in flight or aircraft control techniques. It also includes a branch of aeronautics called aerodynamics. This branch studies the movement of air in relation to moving objects, such as airplanes.


The railway is a means of transport that runs between lanes, usually steel, consisting of one or more wagons or cars pulled by a locomotive. In addition to the conventional track, there is the circulation by cables (cable car) or other types of track, such as magnetic levitation or maglev trains.

Transport, mobility and logistics

Transportation is the movement of people and goods from one place to another. Mobility is the ability to move around and the organization around making it possible. Logistics is the activity and science that aims to provide the materials and services needed to meet the needs in quality, quantity, time and place appropriate to the target consumers. In the business field, logistics covers the management and planning of the activities of the purchasing, production, transport, storage, maintenance and distribution departments.

Naval transport

Naval transport is the mode of transport carried out in water, using some type of ship as a vehicle. There are two main variants: maritime transport, which takes place in the sea and sea canals, and river transport, which takes place in rivers and canals. Most of the infrastructures necessary for naval transport are ports.

Civil works

Civil works is an action carried out by human beings. In this case, they refer to the construction of buildings or infrastructures that are aimed at the population. It can be roads, bridges, etc. They can be implemented by private companies or by the government administration (public works). In a broader sense, a civil work can be an act of remodeling.

Smart cities

A smart city is a city endowed with an organization based on the technologies of the information and communication society, focused on improving both the management of the different services and the quality of life of its inhabitants. Although at the beginning it was a typical urban aspiration, more and more people are opting for projects that guarantee equity in access to quality services to all citizens of a territory, regardless of the size of the place where they reside.

Electricity production and distribution

Electricity has become necessary for everything we do today. It is therefore necessary to have different types of power plants and in large quantities to supply today's companies. Electricity is produced in power plants by machines called alternators, which generate alternating current with a certain frequency of oscillation from the rotation of its axis. The electricity produced in power plants must be delivered to all points of use, such as homes and industries. And, therefore, there is a whole network with transformers that adapt the intensity of the current generated in the power plants to the point of consumption.

Construction 4.0

The construction concept 4.0 is based on the interoperability of human and material resources through the use of IoT, cloud computing and robotics. In essence, the virtualization of constructive processes for their improvement and the decentralization of decision-making through the use of real-time information.

Advanced construction materials

Construction materials are a raw material or more often manufactured products, used in the construction of buildings or in civil engineering works.

City and the design of the urban space

Urban design is about the process of designing and shaping the physical characteristics of cities and regional spaces, as well as social design and other large-scale issues. In short, to link the fields of architecture as well as planning to better organize the physical space and community environments.


A model is a scale or life-size representation of an object, artifact or building, made with materials designed to demonstrate its functionality, volume, internal or external mechanisms or to highlight what once built, will be presented as an innovation or improvement.


Biotechnology is the set of disciplines or sciences that aims to study living things or parts of living things in order to obtain goods and services. His area of study is in biology, biochemistry and chemical engineering. It has a major impact on pharmacy, medicine, microbiology, food science and agriculture.

Health and quality of life

In this area we will find all those services that allow society to enjoy a well-being, as opposed to illness.

Accessibility, aging and independent live

Accessibility is the degree to which people can use an object, visit a place, or access a service, regardless of their technical, mental, or physical abilities. Aging is the set of morphological and physiological changes that occur as a result of the action of time on humans. Autonomous life is all those elements that allow a human being to live with quality individually.

Medicine and pharmacy

Medicine is the branch of the health sciences that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disorders from the point of view of people's homeostasis. Pharmacy is the science and practice of preparing, preserving, presenting, and dispensing medicines.

Medical technologies and surgical robotics

Medical technologies that make it possible to robotize human processes, such as surgery. These are technologically advanced techniques that allow the surgeon to perform surgical procedures very accurately. The surgical instrument is attached to the robot's arms and the specialist manipulates it by remote control.

Health logistics and supply chain

Healthcare logistics is the task of adequately meeting the needs of the emergency system. Logistic productivity is especially important here, that is, certain needs that need to be met optimally at the lowest cost.

Medical devices

These are all devices that allow you to successfully develop your medical activity.

Instruments and equipment

An instrument is a manufactured object that a human being uses to perform an operation or produce an effect. It is understood by equipment, the set of physical means with autonomy for its operation, necessary for the accomplishment of activities.

Safety, prevention and protection

Security is a form of freedom or resilience against potential harm caused by outside circumstances. Prevention is the measure or provision that is taken in advance to prevent harm or danger. Protection is the act of defending someone or something so that they do not suffer harm or danger.

Machinery and equipment

Set of mechanisms with coordinated movements, capable of transforming energy into useful work, especially in operations of a production process.


Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, control engineering, and software engineering.

Textile industry

The textile industry is the sector of the economy dedicated to the production of clothing, fabric, yarn, fiber and related products.

Industrial construction

Industrial construction is a view of the construction or restoration of objects that are directly related to an industrial or manufacturing activity.


Chemistry is the science that studies the composition, structure and properties of matter and the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions.

Industrial noise, vibrations

Noise, vibrations and hardness is the study and modification of the noise and vibration characteristic of the industry.


Nanotechnology is a field of applied science dedicated to the control and manipulation of matter on a scale smaller than a micrometer, that is, at the level of atoms and molecules.


A biomaterial is any matter, surface, or artificial construction that interacts with biological systems.

Textile materials and polymers

A textile fiber is a fibrous material, of natural or chemical origin, intended for the manufacture of textile products.Polymers are macromolecules formed by the union of smaller molecules called monomers

Structural materials

These are all materials for engineering projects with the aim of being suitable from the point of view of the strength of the materials.

Materials with optical, thermal, magnetic, electrical and acoustic functions

The activity of materials science and engineering moves in 4 areas: applications, processing, structure and properties. In this case, we are talking about those materials that have optical functions (sensors, lenses, etc.), thermal (behavior with respect to heating), magnetic (act as a point of attraction), electrical (generate energy) and acoustic ( vibration and sound transmission).

3D printing

A 3D printer is a machine used to produce physical 3D representations of computer-generated models, using a technique called additive manufacturing.