

Computing is the area of science that studies the management of methods, techniques, and processes in order to store, process, and transmit information and data in digital format.

These are the services that our research groups can develop. For customized information on the services, please contact us.


Areas of service Applications of the service Scientific infrastructure
Development of CFD&HT and CSD&FSI codes that are parallel and highly scalable for industrial design Simulation of thermal and fluid systems and equipment - mechanics, interaction between fluid and structure. Smart and energy efficiency in industry, buildings, cities Calculation cluster and simulation and design software CTTC, RDLAB
Development of highly portable codes for different architectures (CPUs, GPUs, ARM, etc.) Simulation of thermal and fluid systems and equipment - mechanics, interaction between fluid and structure. Smart and energy efficiency in industry, buildings, cities Calculation cluster and simulation and design software CTTC, RDLAB
High performance cluster of 2300 CPUs for the optimisation of equipment and systems in industry projects Simulation of thermal and fluid systems and equipment - mechanics, interaction between fluid and structure. Smart and energy efficiency in industry, buildings, cities Calculation cluster and simulation and design software CTTC, RDLAB
Adaptation of algorithms to new computational architectures Simulation of thermal and fluid systems and equipment - mechanics, interaction between fluid and structure. Smart and energy efficiency in industry, buildings, cities Calculation cluster and simulation and design software CTTC, RDLAB

Computing, calculation, renewable energy; energy efficiency in industry, buildings and cities; heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration; thermal systems and equipment (energy storage, waste energy utilization, heat exchangers, etc.); thermal management of current, hybrid and electric equipment and vehicles (urban and freight transport, rail, aeronautics and space); health technologies. CFD & HT, CSD & FSI, CPU, GPU, ARM, High performance cluster, computational architecture.