
Solar energy (thermal and photovoltaic)

Solar thermal energy is the use of solar radiation to heat fluids for different uses. Photovoltaic solar energy is a methodology for obtaining electricity from photoelectric cells. Solar panels can be installed both on the earth's surface and integrated into the walls or ceilings of existing buildings or moving vehicles.

These are the services that our research groups can develop. For customized information on the services, please contact us.


Areas of service Applications of the service Scientific infrastructure
Manufacture of solar cells and devices Manufacture of solar cells - light sensors, manufactures of small series of devices that favour energy transfer  Clean Room
Integration into the grid Design of equipment and integration of energies into the grid  CITCEA uGrid laboratory
Control and energy management of a building Architectural integration of solar panels in buildings 

Pv power lab, Wind power lab, Grid connection lab 

Hybridisation with energy storage system Pv power lab, Wind power lab, Grid connection lab 
Off-grid systems Implementation of solar off-grid systems Pv power lab, Wind power lab, Grid connection lab 
Simulations Real-time simulation systems (digital twins) - with remote access Pv power lab, Wind power lab, Grid connection lab 

Energy, solar energy, thermal energy, photovoltaic energy, clean room, nano, microchips, solar cells, power electronics, electrical system, renewable electricity generation, transportation and distribution of electricity, mechatronics, energy management, energy management, digital twin, energy, photovoltaic energy, energy management simulations